Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One Year Old!!!

Daxton turned one today!  And what a miracle he has been and continues to be!  Every doctor and specialist we see continues to be amazed at his progress.  He is completely off his seizure medication.  Hooray!!

We still tube about three bottles a day, but Daxton is now eating baby food and "people" food.  He especially loves pasta.  He has even started drinking a bit from a sippy cup.  We are actually starting the talks of taking out the g-tube.  Just talks.  He has a way to go before that happens, but the idea has been floated out there already.

Daxton still won't bear weight on his legs, and we have a cerebral palsy "clinic" appointment in January to discuss the possibility of support braces for his legs.  No one is overly concerned, but the clinic is an opportunity for a physical therapist, orthopaedic surgeon, brace specialist, and us, of course, to talk about what Daxton may benefit from at that point.  He is SOOO close to crawling.  He moves all over the floor, but not in any organized fashion.

Daxton continues to be a happy, happy little boy, although we are seeing a bit of attitude which is actually refreshing in a weird sort of way.  We know that he has a definite opinion about things!  I'm sure I'll change my view on that the closer we get to age two, but it's great to see for now! :)  He loves to give hugs and he smiles all the time.

There really is no explanation for his progress other than divine intervention!  We continually express gratitude for the miracle that is Daxton!

Last look at the baby curls!

Big boy, one-year-old!